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On-Demand Courses

Medical Device and diagnostics

learn online at your own pace!

Blue capsule medicine pill production line, Industrial pharmaceutical concept.


Medical Device and diagnostics

Learn online at your own pace!

Self-Guided Courses

Deadlines stressing you out?  We’ve got you covered!  Learn at your own pace and take charge of your training.

Support Team

Submit a ticket to our support team any time of the day!  You are our top priority. Same day response.

Learn In 10 Languages

Our classes offer closed captioning and transcripts in 10 different languages.  Don’t miss out!

Access On The Go

Take your training with you on the go!  Learn anytime, anywhere, anyplace.

Certificates Awarded

Attach verified certificates to your LinkedIn Certifications and Licenses profile.

Corporate Accounts

Seamlessly connect your organization’s LMS to Biotech Primer’s LMS or manage your company account within our LMS.

Self-Guided Courses

Deadlines stressing you out?  We’ve got you covered!  Learn at your own pace and take charge of your training.

Support Team

Submit a ticket to our support team any time of the day!  You are our top priority. Same day response.

Learn In 10 Languages

Our classes offer closed captioning and transcripts in 10 different languages.  

Access On The Go

Take your training with you on the go!  Learn anytime, anywhere, anyplace.

Certificates Awarded

Attach verified certificates to your LinkedIn Certifications and Licenses profile.

Corporate Accounts

Seamlessly connect your organization’s LMS to Biotech Primer’s LMS or manage your company account within our LMS.

All Access Subscriptions

Take advantage of 100+ hours of on-demand learning with our subscription packages. Gain a thorough understanding of the science, business, and regulatory considerations of the biopharma and medical device sectors. Learn the most at the lowest price.

All Access Subscription Bundle

Enjoy an additional $400 discount and unlimited access to 100+ hours of life science training when purchasing Micro Classes and the Recorded Signature Courses in this all-access bundle. Steal this deal today!

100+ Hours

Recorded Signature Course Subscription

Gain unlimited access to all Recorded Signature Courses. Access 60+ hours of life science training at a 75% discount or $290 a course. New recordings are added throughout the year.

60+ Hours

Micro Class Subscription

Attain unlimited access to all Micro Classes. Access 40+ hours of life science training at an 85% discount or $35 a class! New classes are added throughout the year.

40+ Hours

Recorded Signature Course

Experience our acclaimed 2 day Signature Course at your convenience! Our recorded session brings you the same high-quality content as our live course, but with the added benefit of flexible online access. Enjoy one full year to complete your course and master the skills you need to succeed.

Recorded Revenue Forecasting and Epidemiology Immersion

Revenue Forecasting and Epidemiology Immersion showcases the intersection of epidemiology, revenue forecasting, and drug valuation. 

7 Hours

Recorded Medical Device Development Immersion

Navigates the changing regulatory environment and pathways devices undertake for FDA or EMA marketing approval. Learn from an industry expert!

10 Hours

Recorded Drug Pricing, Policy, and Utilization Immersion

Drug Pricing, Policy, and Utilization Immersion exposes the complexities of the United States healthcare market by detailing how competing forces…

4.5 Hours

On-Demand Micro Classes

Medical Device and Diagnostics for Non-Scientists

Increase your fluency in medical device technology and regulations to work more effectively with industry clients, colleagues, and regulators.

Diagnostic Development Primer

Navigates the regulatory requirements for Class I, II, and III diagnostic approval pathways. Become well-versed in the diagnostic approval process!

41 minutes

Diagnostics' Role In Medicine Today 

Introduces diagnostics used in research and clinical settings, such as immunochemistry, microbiology, and infectious disease. Become diagnostic proficient!

41 minutes

DNA-Based Diagnostics Primer

Breaks down the critical technology that drives diagnostic advancements, including PCR, microarrays, NGS, and microRNA diagnostics. Keep pace and enroll today!

44 minutes

Protein-Based Diagnostics Primer

Focuses on antibodies: what they are, where they come from, and how they work.  Covering sandwich and bead immunoassays, multiplexed assays, lateral flow assays, and chromatography.

40 minutes

Diagnostic Measurements Primer

Surveys the measurements used to assess a diagnostic’s accuracy. A test must achieve a certain level of accuracy before receiving regulatory approval. 

47 minutes

Medical Device Commercialization Primer

Reveals best practices for preparations, sales, marketing, and reimbursement, ensuring readiness and effective healthcare promotion. Register now!

55 minutes

Medical Device Development Primer

Broadly explores the workflow of the 5 pivotal stages of medical device development, from evaluating market opportunities to scaling manufacturing. Join us!

57 minutes

Medical Device Approval Primer

Identifies the regulatory compliance requirements for different medical device classifications, from Class I to III, that are critical to ensuring patient safety.

55 minutes

“We loan biotech companies money to fund projects, and we really have to understand their business in order to make decisions about our loans. The Medical Device Development Primer course gave me that understanding.”

Director of Loans

“DNA Based Diagnostics Primer and Diagnostics Measurements Primer got me to where I can speak confidently about the subject of molecular diagnostics and understand it enough to market it.”

Director of Communications

“People in my company said that Biotech Primer is a thorough, trusted, good all-around training company that breaks down information into digestible bits. That recommendation was good enough for me. I took the Medical Device Commercialization class, and it did not disappoint.”

Finance Manager

Launch Yourself Into The Future.

From foundational science to pharmaceutical drug development, business dynamics, medical device innovation, and global regulatory standards, our expert-led courses are designed to equip non-scientists with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the biotech industry.

Unlock the world of biotechnology with Biotech Primer’s comprehensive courses.


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