LIVE EVENT Immunotherapy Immersion
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joseph quinn


Mr. Quinn is an independent Regulatory Affairs Consultant in the biopharmaceutical industry. He has more than thirty years of experience in the field of biologics/vaccines, including assignments in Quality Control, Research, Product Development & Scale-Up, Bioanalytical Development & Validation, Project Management, and Regulatory Affairs. Mr. Quinn was employed by Sanofi Pasteur for twenty-eight years, most recently in the position of Senior Director, Head of North American Regulatory Affairs. Mr. Quinn teaches graduate-level courses in the Temple University Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assurance program. Mr. Quinn holds a Master of Science degree in Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs (Temple University School of Pharmacy), Master of Science degree in Chemistry (University of Scranton), Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry (The Pennsylvania State University), and Regulatory Affairs Certification (RAC) through the Regulatory Affairs Professional Society.